
A wave of love

By AlmaLab | 30 September, 2017


Pulsing is about feeling positive emotions, of feeling happiness, of love, for about a minute. The energy from these emotions have an beneficial effect on our body and mind.


Perhaps you have experienced the crowd effect such as being ripped to your feet in a stadium, or you have felt the strong emotions of somebody in the room. Millions of people have had such experiences and believe that we are somehow inter-connected in some way.

What happens

What happens when we pulse? Does the energy from the feelings stay within ourselves or does it flow into the universe?

What will happen when this pulse of energy from thousands or even millions across the globe swells?

Will it touch other people?

Will it touch mankind as a collective?

Will it make our world a happier place?

The Wave

Pulse°Wave is about joining up with others to create an emotional pulse of love that travels around world for 24h.

At six o’clock (18:00 h) on Friday, for just one minute.

An hour later in another time zone on the planet, hundreds of thousands do it again.

Join in!

Why not join in the fun!

  • Set your alarm for Friday 6 pm to pulse.
  • Share with others and go to a Circle or do your own Circle by inviting friends.
  • Make it more of a social event with a pulse, eat and meet.

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