Frequently Asked Questions

By Ian | 28 September, 2017

We have collected a couple of frequently asked questions and grouped them together.

If you have a question, or you think that something is missing, please send us a “comment” via the link at the bottom of the page.


_Topics concerning the movement_

Q: What’s the big deal - I can do this any time I want!

A: Pulse° has basically three beneficial drives;

  1. To actually bring people to do it once a week
  2. Bring people together
  3. Creating a Wave of emotion across the planet

Pulsing in general

_Topics concerning Pulse°Boost i.e. the method_

Q: What’s new? - It’s a short meditation!

A: It depends on your definition of meditation. For some is meditation a form of relaxing, of freeing the mind of thoughts, of being with the universe, of being in the now. If you can do this and let love flow through you, then the answer is “yes”.

Q: It takes ages/minutes before I can manifest the feelings.

Should I just give up?

A: Please not. Perhaps you are being too hard on yourself. Try changing your tactic. Have a go at doing one of the other methods, or of thinking of other occasions, or just smiling in your mind at somebody who you like.

Keep on practising and it should get faster for you.

Q: I don’t have any feelings. Nothing happens?

A: Reflect on the past - If you are a game player reflect on the times when your won, or did you ever get a present for something which you always wanted. How about when you watched a good film - any emotions there? You can even try the simplest of all things - use a wish. It’s free and surprisingly easy, even for a man, to do.

Before going to bed just ask the question in your mind “I wish that tomorrow that I get to know what positive loving feelings are”.

Q: I can’t see anything?

I don’t see images or people in my mind.

A: Some people cannot see images but have other ways of accessing occasions and emotions. Have a go at hearing or smelling them or just feeling them.

Q: What do you mean “positive feelings”?

A: We mean feelings that are beneficial and not hurting somebody.


_Topics concerning Pulse°Circle i.e. pulsing with friends and family_

Q: Are there any kind of regulations?

I want to do it with my friends. Do I have to register or think of something?

A: Generally no.

If you are an adult and you are pulsing with under 18’s, it is advisable - from a child safety compliance point of view - to have as a minimum one woman and one man present.


_Topics concerning faith and religions_

Q: Do you guys belong to some kind of religion?

A: No - The organisation does not belong to a religion and we do not require that anybody who pulses belongs to this or that.

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