

By Ian | 28 September, 2017

Here in the blog we want to inform you about what is going on.

First circle

By Ian, on 29. Sep.

On 2017-09-29 the first Pulse°Circle was held.

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Moving into Bootstrapping

By Ian, on 28. Sep.

Getting things going and inviting people to get involved.

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Website Terms and Conditions (Simplified)

By Ian, on 28. Sep.

Hi, welcome to the site. We “The People” (who are operating the website, the contributing materials such as texts, images, selfies, and organising activities) are doing the things we do to help other people, to get Pulse going around the world, to help mankind. To protect us, The People, from legal attacks, such as from accidentally using somebodies trade name, a copyrighted picture, or whatever, the site is operated by a company.

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Website Terms and Conditions (Simplified)

By Ian, on 28. Sep.

Hi, welcome to the site. We “The People” (who are operating the website, the contributing materials such as texts, images, selfies, and organising activities) are doing the things we do to help other people, to get Pulse going around the world, to help mankind. To protect us, The People, from legal attacks, such as from accidentally using somebodies trade name, a copyrighted picture, or whatever, the site is operated by a company.

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Basic idea

By Ian, on 25. May.

The idea of Pulse arrives and is brought to paper.

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