By Ian | 30 September, 2017

Come and pulse and be part of the Pulse° community.
You can pulse on your own, pulse with others or get more involved by helping to arrange circles, events, or helping in other ways.
Giving yourself a boost
Pulsing on your own is the simplest way of pulsing or giving yourself a Boost.
Pulsing with others
Pulsing with others can be exciting and an experience. You can meet new people, swap experience and just have fun.
Together with your family or go and join your friends to pulse together in a Circle. Doing it together amplifies the feelings.
Meet is more of a gathering where you can go, meet new people, have something to eat, and pulse together.
Send us your feedback
- Send us selfies of your pulse Circles or Meets - we are hungry for them.
- We want to hear your stories - of the good things that have happened to you with pulsing or since you have pulsed.
- If something amazing or incredible has happened let us know!
Joining in
Pulse° needs volunteers who want to create change, meet new people, or just have fun.
Some of the areas where you can be helpful are:
Local partner
- Be a Pulse°Circle organiser: Invite your friends to pulse together.
- Be a Pulse°Meet organiser: Organise public Meets so that people can come together. Let us your know about your event.
Help with the organisation
We need help with translations, getting in contact with sponsors, VIPs, and helping out in support.