

By Ian | 28 September, 2017


Emotions have a big influence on how a person reacts to the world and how the world reacts to this: The more negative a person is, the more negative the surroundings will be, and vice versa. In a world where the headlines are mostly negative it is not surprising that many people easily have negative thoughts and such feelings of angst, distress, anger, etc.

Pulse° is a small step to counteracting the negative trend.


Pulse° is about feeling good for a minute at 6 o’clock on Friday evening.

The individual relaxes and remembers a past situation where they felt really good and they call up those emotions and hold them for as long as they can. If possible they should feel “love” as well, and let it flow within themselves.

It is free, easy to try out and do. It can be done nearly anywhere - at home, at work, on the street, in the family, with friends, or alone.

The positive emotions have a beneficial effect on the individual, on their hormones, on the way they think, on how they look at problems, on the way the react to stimuli from others, on their relationships and on the way they communicate.

These effects rub off on their surroundings, so that other people feel better as well.

If several people pulse together, the effects are compound.

Benefits for the individual

Pulse° has several benefits:

  • It helps to train their emotional framework.
  • It can give you them a pleasant kick and boost their evening.
  • It triggers the Law of Attraction - The more positive they are the more positive things they attract in their life.
  • Everything they positively give, they get back in other ways.
  • People will experience more.
  • It might lead to more social contact.

It is generally recognised, that people who are more positive live a better and happier life and are more successful.


Pulse° is not related to any religion or doctrine - Anybody can do it.

Pulsing regularly

The more often a person pulses, the easier it will get and it will have an influence on their life.


Pulsing is also a way to get to know other people via sharing (Circles) or more social events (Meets).

The unknown

There are reasons to believe, that a person has some kind of electrical field around them, that somehow humans are interconnected and that our emotions and thoughts have an even stronger impact on our health and the world around us, than we take for granted, although this cannot be scientifically quantified as yet.

There are also several channelled works, unrelated to each other, where it is stated that when people come together an amplification factor comes into play.

Social experiment The Wave

Pulse° is about creating a web of empathy - a web of good vibes or mutual love at a specific time in an area.

What would happen if a hundred thousand people felt mutual love at the same time? Would it overflow to a million others? Is their a critical number, which would cause a sort of quantum jump in others? Would their be a Wave of good feelings, of love?

With people pulsing around the world, with the rotation of the earth, the Wave will go around the world as each time zone chimes 6 p.m.

Pulsing on large scale is an experiment - Pulse°Wave.


Boost yourself to happiness

More details under how to.

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Pulse°Circles and Meets

Share the pulsing experience with others to intensify the pulsing experience and to live more.

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Creating a wave of great emotions such as love, empathy, that swells and rolls across the planet.

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